3 Things You Must Know About Chegg.com
Nowadays, renting textbooks has become a popular trend for college students. Many textbook lending websites allow students to rent textbooks for their college classes in just a few clicks, and Chegg.com is a quite well-known one. The website has become a popular address for students who want to save money by renting rather than buying expensive textbooks. In the near future, when winter break is over, college students will be seeking textbooks for a new semester. So why not go to Cheeg.com and save big bucks? Let’s look at some details about Chegg and suggestions on how to save money at this website.
1. What Can You Find at Chegg.com?
With more than 2.4 million textbooks in both paper and e-reader formats, Chegg.com provides visitors with a range of different services including renting, buying, or even selling used or new textbooks at attractive prices. Most of students enjoy textbook rental services, which can help them save up to 80% off of the cost of a textbook purchase, plus shipping is covered both ways. Chegg lets students rent as many textbooks as they like with just a few clicks. At Chegg, books are delivered in less than a week with a 21-day satisfaction guarantee. ETextbooks come with a 14-day satisfaction guarantee. Remember to ensure that the books you rent remain in good condition in case you want to return them within the permissable time frame. You should also know that you are not allowed to write in rented books, but highlighting is acceptable with appropriate reasons.

2. Rent Books from Chegg and Plant New Trees!
Do you know that for each book you rent or buy from Chegg.com, you have just planted a new tree? As a partner of Global ReLeaf, a program of American Forests with a mission to protect the environment, Chegg has a category on its official website for the project called “Chegg for good.” Over five million new trees have been planted by Chegg. So don’t hesitate; rent textbooks and protect the world with Chegg now!

3. How Can I Save Money at Chegg?
Like other online services, the best way to save money when renting or buying textbooks at Chegg is by using Chegg coupons. By searching through websites specializing in providing online coupons such as angelcarefoundation.org, Couponcodezone.com, etc., you can find a series of Chegg coupons that help you save money in different ways. For example, right now you can save up to $500 for a year of renting books, get 5% off applied at book checkout, etc.
In addition, carefully considering which textbooks you really need to rent will also help you save a lot. If possible, you should verify with your professor which textbooks are required for the next semester a week or two prior to its start. Take advantage of renting textbooks online and get goods mark this semester!
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